Confidence During Cancer

Check out this expert round-up which includes my input on how to maintain confidence during cancer treatment through hair loss and impacts on sexual functioning.

Or read my contribution below:

The two most common treatments for cancer (chemo and radiation) can have devastating effects on strength, health, physical appearance, and sexual function.

While the stress of cancer treatment can be all consuming, it’s important to educate yourself on the effects that your specific treatment may have on you and what you can do to feel stronger, healthier, and more like yourself.

Hair loss is one of the most well-known side effects of both chemo and radiation and can be counteracted with a “cooling cap.” Though relatively new and often expensive, this effective intervention may be worth it if you want to keep your gorgeous locks.

Muscle atrophy is another common side effect of both cancer itself and cancer treatment. The sooner you are able to work with a physical therapist during or after your treatment regimen the less impactful muscle weakness will be on your ability to function, returning you to feeling strong, capable and confident.

Sexual function may also be impacted by cancer treatment. Chemotherapy significantly effects hormones and libido, changing your desire for sex and potentially bringing on early menopause. Radiation in the pelvic area can damage blood vessels, nerves, and muscle function.

While oncologists are more well-versed than they used to be on the sexual side effects of cancer treatment, you may have to advocate for more comprehensive information and for a referral to a pelvic physical therapist. A pelvic physical therapist can help keep temporary changes from becoming more permanent. Sexual function is an important aspect to feeling confident, healthy, and more like yourself.